9. Les fondamentaux de l’anglais financier - 2 jours


Objectifs de la formation

Learn about important financial institutions, like the London Stock Exchange and the European Central Bank
Learn how to read a balance sheet
Look at the profile of Banks and Insurance companies

Les dates

Formation sur 2 jours - en présentiel et en distanciel simultanément

Programme de la formation

Understanding the financial system – the role of the banks and the capital markets:

  • Know the different actors and their respective roles
  • Differentiate between direct and indirect financing
  • Distinguish between the debt economy and the economy of financial markets
  • The organization and functioning of Capital Markets
  • Discover recent developments in the financial system
  • Know the role of the Central Banks and other regulators
  • Role-play scenario: A summary of a topical press release (issued by the Federal Reserve or the European Central Bank).

Market product terminology

  • Share markets
  • Debt markets
  • Derivative markets

Financial accounting and analysis

  • Accounting principles
  • The balance sheet (the major constituents)
  • Working capital
  • The P&L account (from turnover to net profit)
  • Cash flow (liquidity)
  • Important ratios
  • Consolidation
  • Role-play scenario: A banker / borrower discussion based on the analysis of a set of accounts.

Banks and Insurance companies accounting

  • Specific risks
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Role-play scenario: Breakout groups to discuss a given section of an annual report or a bank’s profit warning.
Documents de référence
Sites internet utiles

Public concerné

Les professionnels francophones ayant besoin de maîtriser les fondamentaux de l'anglais financier, qu'ils soient responsables financiers ou professionnels des fonctions support (juridique, communication, etc.)

Le prix

1990 euros net de taxes
Repas compris